

Guerra-Balboa, P., Miranda-Pascual, À., Parra-Arnau, J., & Strufe, T. (2023). Composition in Differential Privacy for General Granularity Notions (Long Version). arXiv:2308.14649v2.

International CORE Ranking A

Guerra-Balboa, P., Miranda-Pascual, À., Parra-Arnau, J., & Strufe, T. (2024). Composition in Differential Privacy for General Granularity Notions. In 2024 IEEE 37th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF) (pp. 48-64). IEEE Computer Society. 10.1109/CSF61375.2024.00004

Miranda-Pascual, À., Guerra-Balboa, P., Parra-Arnau, J., Forné, J., & Strufe, T. (2023). SoK: differentially private publication of trajectory data. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies. 10.56553/popets-2023-0065 .

Workshop Papers

Guerra-Balboa, P., Pascual, A. M., Parra-Arnau, J., Forne, J., & Strufe, T. (2022). Anonymizing trajectory data: Limitations and opportunities. In Proceddings of the Third AAAI Workshop on Privacy-Preserving Artificial Intelligence (PPAI-22), Virtual (Vol. 28). 10.5445/IR/1000148633 .


Supervised Master Theses

Utility of Semantic Privacy Notions for Correlated Data, KIT.

Riemannian-based Clustering for Differential Private Location Publication, KIT.

Privacy Analysis of Deep Graph Generative Models using M.I.A.s, KIT.


Lectures on Differential Privacy as part of the Lecture Series Privacy Enhancing Technologies (Master’s course) Summer Semester 2023.

Lecture on Trajectory Privacy as part of the Lecture Series Privacy Enhancing Technologies (Master’s course) Summer Semester 2022.


Summer Semester 2024: Seminar Privacy und Technischer Datenschutz, KIT

Winter Semester 2023/24: Seminar Privatsphäre und Sicherheit, KIT

Summer Semester 2023: Seminar Privacy und Technischer Datenschutz, KIT,

Winter Semester 2022/23: Seminar Privatsphäre und Sicherheit, KIT,

Summer Semester 2022: Seminar Privacy und Technischer Datenschutz, KIT,

Winter Semester 2022/23: Seminar Privatsphäre und Sicherheit, KIT,

Exercice Courses

Reading-Group of the lecture Privacy Enhancing Technologies summer semester 2022,


Selected international talks

Composition in Differential Privacy for General Granularity Notions, 37th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium, Enschede, July 2024 (Slides)

Unlocking the potential of composition in DP, Invited talk in the COSIC Seminar , KU Leuven, October 2023

Composposability properties of DP, Invited talk in the PROPOLIS project , KIT, July 2023.

Graph-based trajectory LDP masking, Invited talk in the PROPOLIS project , KIT, July 2023

Publishing Trajectories: A Study on Privacy Protection, XVII Spanish Meeting on Cryptography and Information Security (RECSI22) , University of Santander, October 2022.

Mathematics behind privacy, Inivited talk in García Rodeja Seminar (CITMAGA) , University of Santiago de Compostela, June 2022.

Anonymizing Trajectory Data, Invited talk in the PROPOLIS project ,SAP Labs France - Sophia Antipolis , March 2022

Anonymizing Trajectory Data: Limitations and Opportunities, The Third AAAI Workshop on Privacy-Preserving Artificial Intelligence (PPAI-22) , Online Event , February 2022.

How sheaves theory can help air-controllers at an airport, Invited talk in S.I.I. (Seminario de iniciación a la investigación) ,University of Santiago de Compostela , March 2021.

Other information



Silver medal and Audience Award in the FameLab Germany 2024 regional heat

Best Poster Award 2023 at Community Congress by StartUpSecure

Recognition for Best Records, University of Santiago de Compostela

Collaborations & Research stays

Dr.Parra-Arnau Polytechnical University of Catalonia

Dr.Jordi Forné Polytechnical University of Catalonia

Reviewer for

IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE TIFS)

ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communication Security (ASIACCS)

European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)

Minor articles (in Spanish)

La Publicación de Trayectorias: un Estudio sobre la Protección de la Privacidad Guerra-Balboa, P.; Miranda-Pascual, À.; Parra-Arnau, J.; Forné, J.; Strufe, T. 2022. Proceedings of the XVII RECSI. doi:10.22429/Euc2022.028

P. Guerra-Balboa. “Cómo la teoría de haces puede ayudar en la torre de control de un aeropuerto”. In: Actas do seminario de iniciación a la investigación. ISSN: 2171-6536 (Article)

If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.
— Isaac Newton

Current Job

PhD student at the Chair of Privacy and Security

I'm a PhD student at the Chair of IT Security at KIT under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Thorsten Strufe . Our research group is engaged in the development and analysis of security and privacy concepts that protect from all types of potential attackers on such systems. We are also interested in the development of technologies that promote data protection in order to protect privacy in the digital world. Finally, we develop protocols and algorithms to secure the underlying infrastructures for communication and computation. We are part of the Kastel , as well as the excellence cluster CeTi

Chair of IT Security at KIT
© Thorsten Strufe